As a nationally known disposer of the bottle and can deposit, our customer also takes care of the sorting so that clean recycling can be ensured afterwards.
Together with our long-term partner, we immediately set about creating the concept. After we had worked out a concept in close cooperation with our customer, we took full care of the engineering of the plant.
Our high flexibility - especially in plant engineering - allows us to integrate customer-specific ideas regarding space requirements or the use of components from specific manufacturers at any time.
Sorting goals are separation of PET and aluminum, sorting out of bottle caps and labels, and separation of clear and colored PET.
The plant is expected to manage a throughput of around three tons per hour and this on an operating area of around 150m³.
Last year, we already delivered five channel balers to the customer. Two of the five machines will ultimately compress the PET bottles and aluminum cans into dimensionally stable, highly compressed bales in this sorting plant in order to make the downstream logistics process for recycling as efficient as possible.
We are looking forward to starting the continuous sorting operation with the sorting plant at the beginning of March in order to finally hand it over to our customer.